Angels & Demons

Another controversial film. While we can sit and argue this movie for days, even years... you could put and end to all the arguing by simply allowing the public into the Vatican's archives.

Anytime a group of people want to hide something from others, or demonize another group of people, you have to step back and ask why. Sadly when it comes to the Vatican most people just go along with it.

While most people will do good in the name of their religion, religions of all types generally will do more harm to the masses than good. Don't believe me? Look around at the events going on, and that have been going on since the first religions spawned.

I never read the book by Dan, so I went into this movie with no expectations. I found it very entertaining. It made me ask some questions though that I hadn't thought of, and I applaud this movie for that. Any movie that makes you stop and think, well now, that's entertainment.

I own The Da Vinci Code on DVD and will probably be replacing it when I can with a Blu-Ray copy, and yes I will be purchasing Angels & Demons on Blu-Ray as well.

Want to watch a great documentary about this movie? Click here.

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