Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince

Its always interesting to see children grow up in movies sequels and on television, but in the latest installment of Harry Potter, the kids aren't kids anymore. These young adults play their rolls well, and the story finally gives us some love interests for our main three characters.

Shows 4 and 5 in my opinion didn't live up to the first 3 movies. While 4 and 5 are far from bad, they just failed to deliver a good ending. The ending is what makes a movie for me. Episode 6 however brings a very nice ending with many directions that the plot could go in. Many of you Harry Potter fans who have read the books, already know where it goes.

For those of you who don't know... and never heard the hype several years back about a main character dying, be prepared. I won't spoil it by mentioning who.

All and all, its another great story in the Harry Potter line, and I'll be adding this one to my Blu-Ray collection. I've already planed to replace episodes 1-4 of my DVDs with Blu-Rays, and I never picked up episode 5 on DVD, and I've been waiting to get a Blu-Ray player before adding that movie to my collection. There is a box set of the first five movies available, and I think this is the direction I'll take.

Knowing (Blu-Ray)

Casing: The embossed cardboard cover is nice, but nothing fancy.

Inside: Inside the case you will only find the disc, and nothing else.

Sound: For me on my system, the surround sound music seemed to drowned out the dialog a lot. Many of the quitter moments of the movie I had to strain to hear, while action scenes rumbled my walls.

Picture: The picture looks awesome on my screen.

Features: There isn't much here. Although the "Making Of" and the "Visions of the Apocalypse" are nice.

CD Soundtrack


This movie was originally released in select theaters back in June. I'm so glad that it finally cycled around to a screen in my town.

This is one of the best movies I have seen in a long time. The movie moves a little slow, but at a steady pace. The reality of this movie still leaves me wondering how corporations think they can get away with this stuff? How can humans treat each other like cattle? I'm trying not to say to much, as to not give away anything in the movie.

The acting is great, and after all it has to be, since our lead character is usually the only person on the screen for 97% of the movie.

This movie isn't your typical blockbuster, or roller coaster ride. This movie is gonna make you think, its gonna make you ask questions. If you can see only one movie this year, so far I pick this as the one you should see.

You know I will be adding this to my newly growing Blue-Ray collection when it comes out.